Saturday, February 11, 2012

Tifa, Triton, Pikon - Musical instruments from Papua/Jayapura Indonesia

Papuans are known to be expressive. They fill every moment is important in life with high artistic soul. In addition to the expression with the typical ukirnya art, they also love to dance and listen to the sounds of traditional music instrument Although this type of Papua. musical instruments traditional Papua is still often used today may not be as much in Ma. In addition due to the growing lack of interest in the young generation for their preservation, may also be due to the influence of entry of the culture of modern art in the public life of Papua.


Musical instruments traditional Tifa, widely used by the people of Papua and the Moluccas. When you look for a glimpse of Tifa is similar to a drum. And played by means of a hit as well. Tifa created from woody stems that removed the contents. One end then covered using the skin of animals such as deer. This deer skin has gone through the process of desiccation first, in order to produce a beautiful sound.



In contrast to Tifa's beaten like a drum, it is the traditional instruments of Papua in the form of brass. Triton is in most other coastal areas such as the Raja Ampat Islands, Schouten Islands, Gulf of Wondama, Waropen, Nabire, and Yapen island.


Pikon is derived from the word pikonane. In the mean Baliem languages, musical instrument sound Pikonane. This tool is made of a type of bamboo that beruas-segment and hollow named Hite. Pikon fanned while pulling the rod it would only issue a basic tone, do, mi and sol.

You are curious to hear the typical instruments of papua? Please visit the Festival the Baliem valley in Papua.

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