Saturday, February 11, 2012

Madonna 'overwhelmed' by Super Bowl

Madonna compares her Super Bowl performance to in intense 'religious experience.'
The pop icon took to the stage at America's largest sporting event last Sunday with Nicki Minaj, M.I.A. and Cee Lo Green.
With over 100 million people watching her live 12-minute medley half-time show, Madonna certainly felt the pressure.

READ MORE - Madonna 'overwhelmed' by Super Bowl

Angklung Bamboo - Sundanese Indonesia

In Indonesia, bamboo is a natural component that can not be separated from everyday life. From birth to death will involve objects that are made ​​from bamboo. Household appliances, furniture and building materials are some of the goods produced from bamboo materials. Even one of the local culinary bamboo shoots prepared from young bamboo shoots.

Bamboo is also a tool and symbol of Indonesia's independence struggle against the invaders, known as the Bamboo Runcing. Now bamboo growing in popularity after being processed by Indonesian artists became some traditional musical instruments, among which are: suling (flute), calung, munsang, clempung, Rengkong, and another one that goes in the world cultural heritage list of UNESCO in 2010 and recognized the angklung.

READ MORE - Angklung Bamboo - Sundanese Indonesia

SAMPEK - DAYAK Musical Instruments (Kalimantan - Borneo)

Sampek is a traditional musical instrument Dayak tribes, made from various types of wood (wood arrow, lime wood, ironwood). Traditionally made. Making process could take weeks and weeks. Made with 3 strings, strings 4 and 6 strings. Usually Sampek be engraved according to the manufacturer desires, and every carving has a meaning.

Listening to the sound of the Sampek , as a spirit / strength. In Pampang many highly skilled people who play Sampek. The sound Sampek used to accompany a dance, or encouragement for the forces of war.

Standart dimension Sampek

Click pictice for zome

READ MORE - SAMPEK - DAYAK Musical Instruments (Kalimantan - Borneo)

Tifa, Triton, Pikon - Musical instruments from Papua/Jayapura Indonesia

Papuans are known to be expressive. They fill every moment is important in life with high artistic soul. In addition to the expression with the typical ukirnya art, they also love to dance and listen to the sounds of traditional music instrument Although this type of Papua. musical instruments traditional Papua is still often used today may not be as much in Ma. In addition due to the growing lack of interest in the young generation for their preservation, may also be due to the influence of entry of the culture of modern art in the public life of Papua.


READ MORE - Tifa, Triton, Pikon - Musical instruments from Papua/Jayapura Indonesia